This Is The Correct Way To Clean An Rice Cooker

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The humble rice cooker makes a fantastic addition to any kitchen. It’s an excellent appliance for delivering perfect rice with every meal, but just like any other kitchen equipment, it needs regular cleaning to stay in tip-top shape.

rice cooker


The question then is, how often should this cleaning happen? Ideally, you should clean your rice cooker after every use. This routine can save you a lot of effort down the line. However, if you’ve neglected this rule, don’t fret.


rice cooker

You can still restore your rice cooker to its shiny state. Before you start, ensure to check the rice cooker’s manual for any cleaning instructions, unplug it, and let it cool down.

1. Take it apart

rice cooker

For a thorough cleaning, it’s best to dismantle the rice cooker and clean each part separately. Begin by removing the inner pot and placing it in the sink filled with hot water and a few squirts of dish soap. Let it soak for about twenty minutes to soften any stuck rice grains.


2. Scrub

cleaning pan

With a non-abrasive sponge, scrub the inside of the pot. The same sponge can be used to clean the paddle and steam basket. For any stubborn grains clinging onto the pot, gently pry them off with a plastic spatula. However, steer clear of metal utensils to avoid damaging your pot. Once all rice grains are removed, pat the pot dry using a clean cloth.

3. The lid

rice cooker

If your rice cooker’s lid is detachable, remove it and clean it using the same soapy water and sponge. Use a microfiber cloth to dry it once cleaning is done.

4. Assemble

rice cooker


After ensuring all parts are completely dry and clean, reassemble your rice cooker. Use a mixture of water and white vinegar to wipe down the exterior of the rice cooker. Be careful not to let any water get into the electrical parts as this could damage your appliance.

To make your cleaning process even simpler in the future, you might want to explore the best ways to cook rice. By cooking rice correctly, you make it far easier to clean your rice cooker after each use.

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